Set in London and Cornwall from World War II to present, The Shell Seekers tells the story of the Keeling family, and of the passions and heartbreak that have held them together for three generations. The family centers around Penelope, and it is her love, courage, and sense of values that determine the course of all their lives, Deftly shifting back and forth in time, each chapter centers on one of the principal players in the family's history. the unifying thread is an oil painting entitled "The Shell Seekers," done by Penelope's father. It is this painting that symbolizes to Penelope the ties between the generations. But it is the fate of this painting that just may tear the family apart.
The Shell Seekers tells us the story of Penelope Keeling, it is the mid 1980s, she is sixty four, lives alone and has three grown up children. Her father was an artist and The Shell Seekers is one of his paintings and also one of Penelope's most treasured possessions. When her son reads that his grandfathers paintings are now sought after and very valuable it causes some arguments, the money is of no interest to Penelope, it's the sentimental value that's important to her. I didn't particularly like two of her children but then they are self centered and I don't think you're supposed to.
I enjoy family sagas set during the second world war so this book was ideal for me, there are chapters set during that time as well as the books present day. It's quite a large book but an easy read, a good one to lose yourself in without having to concentrate on it too much.
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