Thursday 9 January 2014

Glaciers by Alexis M. Smith


Glaciers follows a day in the life of Isabel who works with damaged books in a library basement in Portland, Oregon. She likes old postcards, vintage dresses and Spoke, a work colleague who is an ex soldier, but he doesn't know of her affection towards him. On the day this is set she goes to choose a dress for a party that evening, a party she wants to invite Spoke to.

It took me a while to get into the story and this is a shame as it's only a very short novel. I loved the parts set in the present day, especially with Spoke, but found the flashbacks to her childhood in Alaska didn't hold my attention and I would start to lose interest. If the novel had been a standard length then I may have even given up on it. Nothing much happens in it plot wise, it's character driven and very well written. Perhaps it's a book that should be read slowly, I rattled through it.


Rating: 3 out of 5

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