Friday 20 September 2013

Book Blogger Hop (20th-26th September)

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted at Ramblings Of A Coffee Addicted Writer and this week's question is:


What is your favourite genre? List two of your favourite books in that genre.

I found this weeks question difficult to answer as I like a lot of different genres. I've decided to go with post apocalyptic and my two favourite from this genre are:

The Road by Cormac McCarthy 

The Stand by Stephen King

I've read them both more than once and will probably read them again in the future as well.

The Road   The Stand


  1. Me too! But once I thought about it, then I realized I just love a good story with a great ending. LOL! Good picks!

  2. The Road is a good pick! I'm a new G+ follower. I bet you'll like my picks. Check out my hop answer at Daily Mayo!

  3. Hopping around, Old follower via gfc, new via G+ :)Anything by Stephen King is a must read!

    Guinevere& Libertad @ TwinjabookReviews

  4. I like Cormac McCarthy but not Stephen King. :)

    My favorite is historical fiction. Isn't it great we are all different?

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer


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