
Monday, 2 March 2015

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?


It's Monday! What Are You Reading is a weekly meme run by Book Journey and you can mention books you've just finished, are currently reading and any you plan to read this week. You can leave a link to your blog and read other bloggers posts.


This week I finished Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline. It was an easier read than I was expecting but I still enjoyed it, especially the chapters that were set in the past.

I'm now reading The Mall by S.L Grey which is a horror novel that was recommended to me by my husband. 

 Orphan Train   The Mall (Downside)


  1. Hiya Sam! Orphan Train is one I've seen mentioned somewhere before as I remember adding to my wishlist/books to consider, it's good to hear anotehr recommendation of it. Happy reading :)

  2. The Orphan Train is on my Kindle but I haven't had a chance to read it yet. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  3. Orphan Train is one of my favorite reads! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  4. Hmmm..... The Mall looks rather creepy. Alluring but creepy!

  5. You've been nominated for Liebster award!!!!! Congratulations! Here are all the details: (P.S. This is real, not spam :) )

    1. Thank you for nominating my blog but I have previously received the Liebster award. Congratulations on your nomination.


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