
Monday, 14 October 2013

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? (14th October)


Its Monday! What Are You Reading is a weekly meme run by Book Journey and you can mention books you've just finished, are currently reading and any you plan to read this week. You can leave a link to your blog and read other bloggers posts.




The Troop This week I've read:


The Troop by Nick Cutter, it's a horror novel due for publication in January 2014 and my review is here


Precious Thing I'm currently reading:


Precious Thing by Colette McBeth, I'm really enjoying this psychological thriller.
Imagine discovering something about your oldest friend that forces you to question everything you've shared together. The truth is always there. But only if you choose to see it.

Lost in a Good Book (Thursday Next, #2)

My next read will probably be:


Lost In A Good Book by Jasper Fforde, the 2nd novel in the Thursday Next series.


  1. Precious Thing sounds promising

    Have a great reading week
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  2. I never heard of any of these books. ENJOY your week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  3. I love creepy scare books and the Troop sounds like it's just that. The other two are new to me I'll have to check them out. Off to check out your review of The Troop. Happy reading! Mandy @ The Reading Diaries

  4. I have The Troop on my review list. I hope it's actually scary and just not mildly suspenseful like I find most horror novels to be. Precious Thing sounds pretty interesting.

  5. My mom love the Thursday Next series and tells me I am missing out! Have a great week.


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