
Friday, 23 August 2013

Book Blogger Hop (23rd-29th August)


The Book Blogger Hop is hosted at Ramblings Of A Coffee Addicted Writer and this week's question is:

Book blogging is more than just reading. Who helped you set up or run your blog? Or did you do it all yourself?



My Answer:


I'd been reviewing on Goodreads for a little while when I decided I'd like to have a book blog. I set it up myself but did look at other blogs first to get an idea of what would work for me. I thought I'd be using it to just post my reviews online but soon found plenty of enjoyable memes to take part in (including this one).


  1. The memes are a great deal of fun. I also enjoy meeting and talking with other bloggers.

    Meeting a blogger in person is the BEST.

    Good answer to the question...I like you set up my blog myself and maintain it myself.

    Have a great day. Going to follow via GFC, BlogLovin; and E-mail.

    Happy Hopping!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Blog Hop Answer

  2. I love doing the meme's too! Last year I was doing so many almost one a day. Now I am only doing this one. They are great for making friends.

  3. I just recently started doing memes and they are fun! I thought about posting up reviews only too not so long ago but I don't read fast enough for it to be am only review blog. But I'm still good. :)

  4. Very nice blog! I couldn't set up my own--I had to call in some help. When I started blogging I didn't realize how many great memes are out there. They're a great way to meet other bloggers. I also like the challenges, because they make me read books I might not otherwise get around to. Enjoy the hop!

  5. Yeah I did pretty much the same I did a lot of reviewing of other blogs and just went on and created my blog in the way I wanted. I love your background BTW. New Bloglovin' follower!

    Check out MY HOP

  6. The hardest part is figuring out exactly which memes to take part in. Glad you chose this one. :)


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