
Monday, 17 June 2013

Instructions For A Heatwave

I read Instructions For A Heatwave by Maggie O'Farrell  in April 2013:

The story starts in London during the heatwave of 1976 when Robert leaves the house to go to the shops but doesn't return. His wife Gretta and their three grown up children Michael Francis, Monica and Aoife are brought back together to try and find out why he chose to disappear and where he's gone to.

Michael has got marital problems, Monica is married and living in Gloucestershire struggling with her relationship with her step daughters and Aoife, living in America, hasn't seen her family for a few years and only sent her Mum a postcard at Christmas. Along with Gretta and Robert they all have secrets which are revealed as the story progresses.

I absolutely loved this book and the quality of the writing reminded me of Anne Tyler (whose books I enjoy a lot). I'd heard a lot of good things about this one before I read it and it certainly didn't disappoint me.

WARNING: If you read this novel do expect other things to get pushed to the side, I didn't watch much TV or listen to the radio, housework got left and I had to force myself to put the book down so I could go and pick my children up from school

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