Monday 25 January 2016

Mailbox Monday


Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. It was created by Marcia @ A Girl and Her Books but now has a permanent home here


This week I was lucky enough to get Five Rivers on a Wooded Plain by Barney Norris via Netgalley. This was on my wishlist and is published by Doubleday on 21st April 2016.







  1. It sounds good so I hope you love it!

  2. This sounds like a very sophisticated and heartbreaking novel. I hope you enjoy it; Barney Norris is not an author I have heard of before, but The Times review is very encouraging!

  3. Sounds very good. Will be looking forward to reading your review.

    New Follower.

    Theresa (The Truth About Books)
    My Mailbox Monday here

  4. Your new book sounds good.

    ENJOY, and have a great reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  5. Hi Sam,

    If it hadn't been for Vicki over at Mailbox Monday, featuring this book as one of her 'Books That Caught Our Eye' this week, I may never have discovered your lovely blog, or added this great sounding book to my list.

    My favourite genres are murder/mystery, suspense/thriller, however I have very catholic tastes in my reading and wil try almost anything once, with the definite exception of science fiction, which I have never really understood.

    Added to that, the fact that I only live about 35 miles from the beautiful Cathedral City of Salisbury and this is a book not to be missed.

    Thanks for sharing and it is good to meet you :)



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