Monday 15 September 2014

Monday Posts

Mailbox Monday & It's Monday! What Are You Reading?



Mailbox Monday is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came in their mailbox during the last week. It was created by Marcia @ A Girl and Her Books but now has a permanent home here


Only one for me this week but it's a good one. The Girl On The Train by Paula Hawkins isn't published until January 15th next year but Transworld publishers have kindly sent me a proof copy.


To everyone else in this carriage I must look normal; I’m doing exactly what they do: commuting to work, making appointments, ticking things off lists. 

Just goes to show.

Rachel takes the same commuter train every morning and every evening. Every day she passes the same Victorian terraces, stops at the same signal, and sees the same couple, breakfasting on their roof terrace. Jason and Jess seem so happy together.

Then one day Rachel sees something she shouldn't have seen, and soon after, Jess disappears. Suddenly Rachel is chasing the truth and unable to trust anyone. Not even herself.

Tense, taut, twisty and surprising . . . The Girl on the Train creeps right under your skin and stays there.






It's Monday! What Are You Reading is a weekly meme run by Book Journey and you can mention books you've just finished, are currently reading and any you plan to read this week. You can leave a link to your blog and read other bloggers posts.


This week I finished The Paying Guests by Sarah Waters. I thought it was a great book, I had to force myself to put it down and go to work, sleep etc. I'm now reading No One Gets Out Alive by Adam Nevill, a horror novel which is due to be published on 23rd October, just in time for Halloween. 


The Paying Guests  



  1. Girl on the Train sounds fascinating! Enjoy.

    Here's my It's Monday!

  2. I hope you enjoy the new Sarah Waters book. I really liked the one I read by her (Affinity). Here's my MM.

  3. I am liking the sound of The Girl on the Train!

  4. The Girl on The Train sounds interesting. Enjoy!

  5. I will keep an eye out for The Girl on the Train, Here is my Monday I have have to make a note somewhere, Jan 15th is a way aways. LOL

  6. Ooh, it's exciting to have a really early copy like that. It does look good!

  7. Sounds like a book worth waiting for...Jan. that's an advanced reading copy

  8. I'm waiting for my library hold of The Paying Guests. Glad to hear it's so good!

  9. the girl on the train sounds good:) and I like the cover of no one gets out alive

    Here's My Monday!

  10. I love trains. :)

    The Paying Guests looks good.

    ENJOY all your books and your reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday


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