Three women, Lucy, Dotty and Annabelle start work at a department store in Coventry at the start of World War II. They're all from different backgrounds but soon become close friends. Dotty was brought up in an orphanage and doesn't know who her parents are, Lucy is bringing up her young sister alone while her brother fights for his country and Annabelle, from a privileged background, isn't impressed at first by having to work for a living.
The story follows the lives of the women throughout the war and gets across well what it must have been like to live during those times. A few of the twists in the story were a little obvious and I wasn't as impressed by the last third of the book but overall it was an enjoyable read.
It will appeal to anyone who's a fan of family sagas, particularly those set during the Second World War. Despite the period in time in which it's set, and by no means do any of the characters escape any of the horrors of the war, I found it an easy read that I could quickly dip in and out of without having to concentrate too hard. The perfect choice for me during half term week.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
This sounds like a book I would enjoy. Plus, I'm drawn to books set in Coventry :).